Frequently Asked Questions

Definitely no! You won’t have to worry about a single thing, our team is very well-equipped with everything they’ll need throughout the entire process. You just need to relax while we get it all done!

SBC’s high-quality cleanings are for everyone! We offer a variety of services, all you gotta do is choose the one that best suits you! The cost of each cleaning will depend on some aspects like the size of your home and how you’d like it to be cleaned. For a personalized quote, contact us!
We want every process to be the simplest for our clients! You can choose between contacting us via telephone or by clicking this next button! It’s super easy and quick, try it out!
There’s no need for you to be home during the cleaning time, we secure you that SBC’s team is 100% honest, competent, and trustworthy!
There are a couple of ways you can choose to pay for the services, like cash, Venmo, check, or credit card!
Yes! All of our products are safe for children, pets, and adults! They’ll cause no harm during or after the cleaning! If you have any concerns about allergies or conditions, please, contact us so we can figure it out!
We are completely pet-friendly, so they’re safe and welcome to stay while we clean!

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